Friday, January 27, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

Cue Gene Autry.

I'm jumping back in the saddle. The sewing saddle that is.
Yee Haw.
I was able to knock out the top to my 1st quilt just before the holidays.  
But shortly after?
All that hot air fizzled from my over ambitious balloon.
(Yes, I did hear you audibly try to make that little balloon noise)

So, now? I'm back. 
I think.

Before I can wrap up my blanky, I have to decide on 2 main things:

1) I have my choice in hand-quilting or machine quilting the quilt layers. Since I am NOT Betsy Ross, a pioneer woman, or aiming to be cross-eyed, I'll be relying on modern technology to aid in assistance. So, machine quilting, here I come. And from what I gather, it might help me to have a "special foot" to feed the fabric layers.
THIS monster is a walking foot. It intimidates me. It has weird claw arm- thingys.  Do I really need one of these? I 'm not going to be doing intricate back designs. I'm not entering my blanky in a county fair. I just want a simple zip-zip-zip over the pattern.
Perhaps I need to research this more.

2) The second thing I need to decide on is a backing. I need to choose a fabric that will be the underside to my chevy pattern. I'm looking for it to be more white with a black print, as my actual chevy stripes are more black with some white.

Clear as mud??
Here are justa few of my "maybes" for the backing. These are all from Who knew they had such great choices??

This cowgirl has some work to do.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chain Gang

I'm a total sucker when it comes it to chain mail/letters and spam.
 It's a total weakness.
 I'm just saying, let's BOTH be glad that the Narobi-princes-who-will-double-our-money-if-we-deposit-some-in-a-Swiss-bank-account-thingy is a hoax.
So when I found this funny from my "e-friend" Alex, I couldn't resist.

The Rules:1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 11 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And then create 11 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them.

11 Umm Kinda Fun Facts...

1) I can touch my tongue to my nose.
2) When I was a kid, I played church softball and played progressively worse with each passing year. I quit when I missed every pitch thrown to me.
3) I keep polish on my toes at all times. Even in the winter. And if it chips, I take it all off and start over. What's that you say? What color is it now? Essie's Power Clutch:
4) In the 10th grade, I went to Europe- well, specifically Switzerland, Italy, and the French Riviera. 11 eye opening days of food, culture, and language.  I think abut that trip at least once a week.
5) I might have shared it before, but I am really good at winning things on the radio. Really good. A few years ago, we won a trip to New York City to see a Broadway play. Why am I telling you this again? Because, the other day, I just miiiiiight have qualified to go to the Grammy's in a few weeks. Air high five.
6)  My blood sugar is kinda wonky. I have, HAVE to eat breakfast. Everyday. Usually within an hour of waking up. No exceptions. If not, I'll start shaking and just fall out on the floor. And usually with said breakfast, I have to have a couple of swigs of Dr. Oz's Green Monster Drink. Yum!
7) Yes, I was a sorority girl in college. At a notorious party school. But I hate that term. And the negative associations it brings.
8) A work friend and I started a silly game. We play "Who Could Be Our Friend". Basically, it's a celebrity that you think could literally be your friend in real life. And you start a club. Who have we decided upon this week?  Adele (because never mind her vocal chops, it's her British accent we're after), Kristen Stewart ( because she wears Chucks and we want her to be happy), Katy Perry ( she just seems so-gosh darn fun), Ben from the Bachelor ( need I detail this?), Rooney Mara ( so lovely, demure and a bat from hell, all in one ), and Zooey Deschanel (because of her bangs and eyeliner).
9) I didn't know what a jump drive was until 1.5 years ago.
10) I'm afraid of big dogs. Will I cry and wheeze and carry on. No. But if I see one, I get a bit geeked out.
11)  My brother shut my left pinkie in the door when I was in the 1st grade. The doctor told Mi Madre that I was lucky he was able to save it.

Alex's Questions For ME...
1. Mac or PC? PC, I don't think I know how to turn on a Mac.
2. What is a song you can't help but dance to? Whoa man, this is impossible. I LOVE to dance. Tonite was Zumba and we did the Wobble- and I let it loose.
3. Do you collect anything or have way to much of something? In trouble here. Lately, it's been shoes and cardigans.
4. How do you separate your laundry? This may seem like a boring question, but I always wonder if there are better ways to do it.  Brenon and I do separate laundry. I separate mine into lights, darks, towels/sheets, and handwashables.
5. What is the most adventurous thing you've ever done? Hmm, toughie. I think I am adventurous?? I've bungee jumped, gotten a tattoo, rappelled, and gotten my ear pierced at a gas station on a church trip. Does any of this count??
6. What would be your last meal on earth? Assuming calories don't matter, mushroom quesdillas, my mom's scalloped potatoes, Mrs. Cherry's cranberry salad, Gardetto Brown Garlic Circles, Diet Coke, a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg, and a few shortbread cookies from Panera. <Burp>
7. Where do you have no desire to travel to? Antarctica
8. How would you describe your decorating style? It once was Kirkland's-y (chuckle, chuckle), but now maybe shabby, light, and a bit more modern. With an art accent wall. Love those.
9. Naming something you are really good at. Go ahead, brag! I'm good at snow skiing.
10. Did you have a pet growing up? Yes. We had a slew of intermittent dogs, and then we had a cat named Phoebe, after the character on Friends. We thought it was a girl when we got him, but surprise! It was a Phil. Nevertheless, we didn't change the name, thus giving our spawn of Satan cat a complex.
11. What is your dream career? Oh boy, this is a great question. I LOVE speech. I LOVE therapy. But if I had to say, it would be a speech pathologist who moonlighted as a writer/buyer for Nordstrom's or some uber chic magazine, and having her Master's as a chef (can you have that??), with my own TV show. Did you get all of that? :)
My Questions for You....
1) Are you allergic to anything?
2) If a genie granted you one "do-over" for anything, would you take it? And if so, what?
3) What's the meaning of life?
4) Do you have a favorite drink?
5) Toilet paper: do you let it hang over or under?
6) What pair of shoes did you wear today?
7) I give you a dollar for the food kind of vending machine. What do you buy?
8) When was the last time you were embarrassed?
9) Taylor Swift has a song called Fifteen. It's about, as you might have guessed, what you would go back and tell yourself. What would YOU say to your fifteen year old self?
10) The majority of your grocery bill, on a pretty regular basis is _______________.
11) Have you ever run out of gas? When was the last time and where?

Tag! You're It!... (buuuut I'm just naming a few)
Jenny Beth @ Life on Lyford
Natalie P @ Natalie's News

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Party Hearty

Did you catch the Golden Globes this year?
It all looked like great fun. Frills. Poufy-ness. Hand on the hips. Big, awkward, intense "smizes"  at the cameras.
 I soak it all in.
 A few of my favorite looks from the night...

and my TOTAL favorite..

..the lovely Rooney Mara.
I'm almost done with the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series and can't say enough about it.
Rooney was brilliant in the movie, and I am really digging her simplistic style. In my mind, we are already really good friends. Where we shop at Gap. And listen to weird music. And "smize".

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January Birchbox

Have I told you exactly HOW much I love getting my little pink box in the mail?? Throughout the month I totally forget about it, and then SURPRISE!
Gifts for me!

What's in the box this month??

*Borghese CuraForte Moisture Intensifier
* a sampling of Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy perfume (something I've been meaning to try)
*Jouer Body Butter (it smells so lovely- think Southern gardenia.. in a good way)
*stila Smudge Proof Eyeliner in a silvery charcoal
* mini Larabar

eeee!- so excited!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Happy New Year, friends!

I hope your night was magical- filled with sparkles, party dresses, horns, and boisterous shouts of merriment. Yes, indeed, more magical than my merriment of blue fleece pajamas on the couch.

Do you make a resolution(s)?
I try to, but it always takes me a few days.
Last year, I was able to knock out a few..
The upstairs got painted, I finished grad school (Hallelujah!!), Sp. Ed. conferences were attended, and Bible Studies were continued.. But I didn't run a half. Despite me trying to sign up 6 MONTHS early, it was already full. Meh, oh well.

So after some thoughtful consideration, here are mine this year, ranging from obscure to serious.

Ye Ole Lofty Goals of 2012

1) Still continue to try to run a Half Marathon. I reallllly want to.

2) Be able to continue blogging. Maybe even add that little Disqus tab thingy so I can comment back?? Have you seen it?

3) Actually finish my quilt. I finally pieced the top together, but then promptly came to a screeching halt. I just need to zip zip zip the batting and back together. Easy peasy.

4) Save money. I mean, shouldn't we all?

5) Maybe branch out of school speech therapy world and venture back into the hospital waters again. No, not quit my precious job, but maybe just blend the two? But much better than oil and water, even thought they couldn't be more different.

6) My last one, and most personal, is one that I don't know how to even name or describe to you in a simple sentence. Perhaps as mostly women readers, you'll understand? Maybe you can relate or have felt this way. Or maybe not. High five, if you haven't.

I think for the last year or so I've been in a fog. Confused. On autopilot. Whatever you want to call it. Doing well, personable, and sociable, but just checked out. This feeling has slowly burned over time, starting off as a bit of smoke, and now, a full on bonfire. It's only been recent that I've really paid attention, despite its continued presence and self- medicating with "Emotional Rolaids".

 After some pondering, I think the root of it is I've just been "safe" or "just fine". Backwards, I know- but stay with me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either of these emotions, but I suspect that both of these have led me to feel so conflicted. I've tried to please others to the point I have diminished any kind of personal opinions I might have to non-existent. As women, sometimes we can cater to others in such a way that you could wind up losing yourself, at your own expense. I can confidently tell you I have no earthly idea who I am. Not a clue. Why do I care what she says or what they don't do? What he tells me or what I should need. And all of this? It's made me worrisome and insanely self-conscious. Traits that no one should have consistently, at this intensity.

I dunno, perhaps this is a case of "the growing-up's". That everyone feels blind at some point, and this is just my turn. A dear friend of mine calls it being "in her winter", where it's cold and lonely and she finds it difficult to see the fruit of her life, even though she knows that it's there. Perhaps that is it? Maybe...

 So here's another resolution for me and you- let's really find out who we are this year. Like some corny line from a book or magazine, I really mean it. I want to find what makes me tic, what I like and don't, even if that means actually feeling, the good and the bad, to get me there. Make an effort. Whaddya say?

On writing overload? I'll leave you with a fitting cartoon.

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