Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Elastic Waists are for Grannies

Hey friends.
I wanted to say a quick thanks for all the kind words from the other day. I was in a mood, and shortly thereafter alleviated it by stomping in to the Goodwill to drop off a large load of clothes. I immediately felt better.
Annnd I resisted the urge to make a lap around the furniture.
That is some will power, peeps, will power.
So thanks.

 However, I DO want to share a recent find(s) with you. One of my favorite blogs is My Milk Glass Heart.
Do you read her?
You should.
In no way does she know I am spreading the love. But her writing and style is fun, funky, and lovely, all wrapped up in a pleasant life sushi roll. There is no reason not to share, since we all love sushi, right?
I was tooling around a few weeks ago, catching up with some recent finds she scored and fell in love with this dress.
A super-flattering, drapey thing, with a breathe-able elastic waist. Granny style.

  Fast forward to the other day. I was making a semi-paycheck Target run and spotted not only the olive, but the black on SALE for $6 each.
They jumped in my buggy faster than Brad and Angelina got together.
 Now wearing them a few times, I am pleased to say they are my go to outfit of the summer.
Go grab you one.. or all.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I had a little $$$ leftover from my "Sally Sewing" episode, so I thought I'd round out my purchases with some booties.

No, not that kind.

This kind.

or this kind, but probably not since they are not so savvy on the wallet

perhaps these

but I'm probably getting these

I'm not sure what it is about these desert booties that I love so much. I mean, clearly they are NOT the most attractive things in the world. Like they are almost borderline butt-ugly. However, I like the idea of pairing them up with something a bit more feminine. In theory, it looks good in my head.
But we'll see..
 I'll let you know once I get my wedgies in the mail.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Time Has Come To tell You- Part 2

Remember this post?

Welp. I took the plunge. Head first.
I finally got one..
A sewing machine that is.
And I couldn't be more excited!

Which one did I get?
(drum roll......)
(ahem, percussion hubbie teacher, that is you...)

The Brother LX 3125e.

I know what you're thinking, and see you chuckling at my pre-pubescent choice.
Don't you worry, I haven't put the zebra plate on yet!
 After reading positive review after positive review, I'm starting off with this model. I didn't want something big and fancy (yet), until I got my feet a little wet. This model had great feedback, an instructional DVD, and seems to be great for beginners, like me.

To celebrate with you, I thought I'd share my first wonky- wobbly project.
For the sake of the argument let's pretend I have a precious child. Let's say said precious child has just finished eating, and spits up.
What do I do?
 In a flash, whip out my monogrammed burp cloth, and hope it doesn't run down my back!

I have a few things still left to figure out, but not SO bad for my first try.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Can I just brag for a moment?
Like really let off some excitement?
Everyone needs to at some point.
 I just need 13 seconds worth of "High-five" and  "you GO girl!"
It might get kinda wordy, so stay with me.

Remember this post?
I've been achin' for a sewing machine and have been on the craft store prowl for one.

Ok, now remember this post from just the other day?
I cleaned, sorted, organized and purged my closet. When I finished, I had quite a load of things that were still "really good".
Perhaps some things that I had only pulled the tags off, but never wore.
Perhaps some things that STILL had the tags on them.

Now, take these two thoughts and smush them together.
I'm selling on eBay.
And not only selling, my friends, PROFITING.

Can you see that total at the bottom? I am up to $80, and still have a few hours left!
And what am I going to do with that $80?

Buy a sewing machine.
 Now, how's that for the "Circle of Life"?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Everything Is Coming Up Roses..

Isn't that how the saying goes?

I've noticed a trend.

Perhaps it's a trend. Or perhaps it's just my eye leaning towards "all things floral" since I've been RELIGIOUSLY watering our plants.

Here are a few things that make my heart go "pitter-patter"..
DIY Fabric Rosettes- Love the casualness.

Studded Rose Earrings

Long Floral Maxi Dress..but not a savvy price..

Mmm, one of my absolute necessities- I've used it for years. This is Rosebud Salve. It's a great lil' product for everything- chapped lips, burns, dry skin patches, bug bites. Grab one up at Sephora (or maybe Ulta?) for ~ $5, and it will last you forever! 

A purely self indulgent item.
Something a bit cute-sy to spice up my message board at school.
Can you rationalize $15 push pins?
Good, me neither.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Lovin'.. errr, List

I'm a list maker. A "Type A" -er through and through.
 Now that June is here, I need to get a little organized. 

AHH- that feels better.
 Now, let's see how many of them I can actually finish.

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