Monday, October 31, 2011

Purr.. and a Blog Sale?

Happy Halloween, friends!

I decided to go up to Nashville for the weekend and visit the BF. She had some church-friend Halloween parties on her list, and she so kindly invited me up. She is a "speechy" too, and totally rocks some AAC equipment. 
As you can see, we decided to  "theme" it. Fighting crime all nite long. However, she makes a more convincing Batgirl, than my Wal-mart Catwoman.

I was unpacking last nite, and gave my closet a double take. There are several items I have that still have tags on them, tags pulled but never worn, or worn maybe once, that I KNOW I won't get around to wearing. I am toying with the idea of a blog sale.
Let me round everything up, and let you know!

1 comment:

Lara said...

You guys look great!
Oh geez, I just found about 5 tops with tags still on them in my last closet purge this weekend. Ridiculous!

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