Hello Spring Break, it's nice that you're here again.
9 GLORIOUS, empty days lie before me.
I think I'll take a day to lounge around, watching endless episodes of People's Court, but what am I going to do the rest of the time, you ask? Yeah, I was wondering that, too. I certainly don't want to waste it all. In a free moment this afternoon, I made myself a To-Do List. It just helps me, umm... organize.. People's Court amongst my fun things.
1- READ, READ, READ. Now that Grad School is over, I've had the availability to read to my heart's content. And read, I have. Let me tell you, it's been just deliciously wonderful. Staying up late, with blankets over my head, soaking in the coziness. I didn't realize how much I missed it.
This is just some of my little Goodwill stash that I keep. Like a nerdy junkie. It's a total high walking away with some bestsellers for pennies.
2- CLEAN and PURGE. I'm trying not to shop, so I guess I need to Spring Clean. I mean, everyone has to this time of year, right?
3- EAT MINDFULLY- You guys know that I eat terribly. I'm really surprised (and profusely thankful) that I'm not on one of those awful TLC TV shows. For a few weeks (or months), I've tried to incorporate more fruits/veggies/ lean meats. And this goes great for a few meals, but then my hands shake start to shake and I inhale some Sbarro mall food and wash it down with a Diet Coke give in. Oddly enough, also like a junkie (I sense a theme here). And the cycle continues. This will be a good week to practice better habits. At least, my hands can shake in the privacy of my house while I try to inhale some broccoli.
4- ORGANIZE SOME THOUGHTS ON PK INTERVENTION.... AND TEACH IT. A few months ago, I had the kind offer to substitute teach a class on PK speech/language intervention at my undergrad Alma Mater, Ole Miss. It just so happens to be at the end of this week. Now, the hard part of gathering some ideas so I don't sound like a bumbling idiot. And while we're at it, let's take a vote: Powerpoint or Handout? I feel like I'm gonna need one or the other.
5- QUILT- I know, I know, start it already. But I kinda have. I've practiced on some scraps, getting the quilting process down. You should see my gnarly looking pot holder-esque squares.
6- MISC. CRAFTING- Of course, at some point I'll try to sneak a paint project or craft in somewhere. I just can't help it.
What do you do on an extended vacation??