Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break Worker Bee

Hello Spring Break, it's nice that you're here again.
9 GLORIOUS, empty days lie before me.


I think I'll take a day to lounge around, watching endless episodes of People's Court, but what am I going to do the rest of the time, you ask?  Yeah, I was wondering that, too. I certainly don't want to waste it all. In a free moment this afternoon, I made myself a To-Do List. It just helps me, umm... organize..  People's Court amongst my fun things.

1- READ, READ, READ. Now that Grad School is over, I've had the availability to read to my heart's content. And read, I have.  Let me tell you, it's been just deliciously wonderful. Staying up late, with blankets over my head, soaking in the coziness. I didn't realize how much I missed it.

 This is just some of  my little Goodwill stash that I keep. Like a nerdy junkie. It's a total high walking away with some bestsellers for pennies.

2- CLEAN and PURGE. I'm trying not to shop, so I guess I need to Spring Clean. I mean, everyone has to this time of year, right?

3- EAT MINDFULLY- You guys know that I eat terribly. I'm really surprised (and profusely thankful) that I'm not on one of those awful TLC TV shows. For a few weeks (or months), I've tried to incorporate more fruits/veggies/ lean meats. And this goes great for a few meals, but then my hands shake start to shake and I inhale some Sbarro mall food and wash it down with a Diet Coke  give in. Oddly enough, also like a junkie (I sense a theme here). And the cycle continues. This will be a good week to practice better habits. At least, my hands can shake in the privacy of my house while I try to inhale some broccoli.

4- ORGANIZE SOME THOUGHTS ON PK INTERVENTION.... AND TEACH IT.  A few months ago, I had the kind offer to substitute teach a class on PK speech/language intervention at my undergrad Alma Mater, Ole Miss. It just so happens to be at the end of this week. Now, the hard part of gathering some ideas so I don't sound like a bumbling idiot. And while we're at it, let's take a vote: Powerpoint or Handout? I feel like I'm gonna need one or the other.

5- QUILT- I know, I know, start it already. But I kinda have. I've practiced on some scraps, getting the quilting process down. You should see my gnarly looking pot holder-esque squares.

6- MISC. CRAFTING- Of course, at some point I'll try to sneak a paint project or craft in somewhere. I just can't help it.

What do you do on an extended vacation??


Saturday, March 24, 2012

March Birchbox

Birchbox time!
I was pretty stoked when I nabbed it from my mailbox. A heavy little package just for me!

Here's the goods:

and the description:

 All in all, this was a pretty good box. I'm pretty excited to try everything out, especially the Curl Cream. My mane is naturally curly and it seems as if I've tried everything for it. Was your Birchbox any different?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Awkward-Awesome Thursday


- Sneezing in the car. You know what I'm talking about. You're driving along, probably in some kind of traffic.  Out of no where the 1812 Dust Bowl hits your nostrils, sending you into a sneezing fit. The rapid fire kind, where you can't hold your head up. Bam. Bam Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Yes, bless you. That scares me, driving drunk driver like, watery eyes, so close to the guard rails. But it always makes me giggle

- The open-ended comment  "You look different today". It's the sister comment to "You look tired" AKA: you look like crap. When you provide me no additional info, it leaves me thinking: Does my outfit not work like I thought it end? Maybe I shouldn't have gotten a haircut?? Is there glue in my hair? Or boogers, for that matter?  And then I have to decide on how to answer it. With a thanks? Or a smile? It makes me sweaty thinking about it.

- I've come to the adult realization that I will never be a single consistent size. Nope. I come to accept this and dress my body how I want. Chalk it up to a weird body shape. Case in point:

I give you some pants. Just a sampling of some current faves. Ain't no shame in my game. I will proudly walk into a store with a 4 and a S top on, and leave with a 12  and an XXL tunic. But it's weird.


-Tomorrow starts my Spring Break. Oh, the freedom of Spring Break. I have missed all-day pajama fests. Let's all hope it doesn't start with a little clean-up, again. 

- To christen said Spring Break, I went for a run. Man, I was huffing it. Trying to steadily run as fast as I could.

 4 miles in 37:21. Thank you Jesus. And then I almost barfed on my shoes.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sad Strawberry

Who doesn't love themselves some Pinterest? Totally the best way to kill a few hours some time and unleashing their inner Martha Stewart.
After discovering it last year, its been a fun source of inspiration.

Like for instance, I pinned this scrum-dilly-umptious a few weeks ago. I needed a dessert to serve at Bunco, and I was conjuring up us gal-pals laughing, rolling our dice, happily snacking on decadent strawberry whoopie pies. Tra-la-la-la.

Delish looking, right?


And to think, I followed this recipe to the T. Pink crackers, pink hockey pucks, baby turds, whatever you want to call them, it was bad. Needless to say Wal-mart makes great cupcakes in a pinch.

Strawberry Whoopie Pies: Epic Fail

Friday, March 16, 2012

Awkward Awesome Thursday...


* Do you get nervous in a big group of people? Does public speaking bother you? It usually doesn't bother me. Note I say usually. Except for the few times in a random IEP meeting when Dept. of Human Services is involved or when I'm sharing at an ice breaker on a job interview. I talk fast and my hands shake. I give a little squeak/half cough. It's weird.

* Redbox is the devil. That $1 deal gets me everytime. My renting habits are awful, to say the very least. My Friday nites sometimes go like this: Great idea to pick up a movie, stand in 7 hour line along with half of my school and their families to rent said movie, watch movie, and then return it exactly 8 1/2 days later. Perhaps better renting skills will be on next year's resolution list.

* Thank you all for your kind words and suggestions whilst I was debating purses. The search is FINALLY over.. and.. well.. I got none of them. Not even a cognac. On a whim I popped into Dillards and found this beauty on mega clearance:

The Fossil Re-Issue Weekender

...and just maybe I got the matching clutch wallet, too

* I've been running and running. I finally broke the 30 min. mark for a 5k. 29:53 to be exact. A little slow in the beginning, but I'll take it.

* The Hunger Games movie comes out next week! Raise your hand if you are going?!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunny On The Bottom

Oh, Spring!
 This lovely weather leaves me just itching to pull out some spring clothes. While wading thru the sale swatches at Jo Ann Fabrics yesterday, I got a little sunny inspiration for some spring DIY.

High five for elastic skirts!
I whipped them up using this tutorial from the Fall.
I swear, elastic skirts make up 80% of my spring/summer uniform. Throw them on with sandals and a T, and you are good to go.
And the best part of it?
  Both prints together were not even $5.

I must admit it has been a month or two since I've touched my sewing machine. Stopping cold turkey has made me really miss it. I want to kinda ease back into sewing again- I want a chance to make some boo-boos before the quilting resumes.
Speaking of quilting...

That fluffy white blanket, my friends, is NOT part of Santa's snow village. Just my batting, patiently waiting for some lovin'..


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Toes-ies Out.. and Twitter..

Just a few thoughts today...

The weather has been so nice lately. Warm and spring like, here in the armpit of America  the South, but let me ask you an all important question.
Are your toes-ies out yet? Have you christened your sandal collection yet? And when do YOU decide to let 'em loose?

(Disclaimer: those are NOT mine)
I am always wondering if today, or tomorrow, or the next day will be the day to let out my insanely pale, shriveled winter feet. Growing up, Emmy wouldn't let me rock my clunky, too big, 8th grade Steve Maddens until at LEAST after Spring Break. Oh, woe, the adolescent torture. Now, considering my own break is a month away, I don't know when will be a good time.
After Easter?
After the last "cold snap" (also something only mothers say)?
Do you give into peer pressure and break in your sandals when your friends do?
Your co-workers?
Or when the lady at church with the Velociraptor 2nd toe does?
(Yeah, you know what I'm talking about)
I'm feeling a trip to the nail salon bubbling up...

In COMPLETELY unrelated news, I'm toying with the Twitter idea.
A slave to social media, it intrigues me.
Translate: In my mind, Jimmy Fallon and I are already friends, who carry on legit conversations via Twitter.
One can dream....

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